Blogs & Websites
For Education
By educators, for educators. We are the oldest and most trusted web publishing platform for teachers and students.

Over 5 million blogs and counting since 1998.
Why One World Campus?
Share, collaborate, build, and learn.

Use our easy to use class management tools to get started. And most importantly, it’s free!

Our content filters, moderation options, and multiple privacy tools keep everyone safe.

Leave private teacher feedback, easily embed videos and other work, and build community.

We’ve built our platform on top of WordPress, which also powers more than 1/3rd of the internet.
Plans & Pricing
Blogs, websites, portfolio networks, and more….
One World Campus
- 1GB Storage
- Free domain & SSL
- Up to 35 Email Addresses & Subsites
- Student Management
- All Themes & Plugins
One World Campus
- 25GB Storage
- Free domain & SSL
- Up to 50 Email Addresses & Subsites
- Student Management
- All Themes & Plugins
One World Campus
Start Up
- 50 GB Storage
- Free domain & SSL
- Up to 75 Email Addresses & Subsites
- Student Management
- All Themes & Plugins
One World Campus
- 75GB Storage
- Free domain & SSL
- Unlimited Email Addresses & Subsites
- Student Management
- All Themes & Plugins
One World Campus
Custom Pricing
For Schools & Districts
Unlimited Storage
Single Sign On
Custom Domains
Choose A Local Data Center
Our website is meant for individual teachers, while OneWorldCampus.Org is our for profit organization designed for entire schools, districts, or universities. Both come with the same great easy blogging features and tools.
If you run a WordPress business, then One World Campus has the hosting, tools, plugins, and support you need. One World Campus’s all-in-one platform makes it easy for anyone to create, manage, and sell WordPress sites.
Absolutely! Use our free blogging tool for as long as you’d like. There are no ads, gotchas, or anything like that.
You have control over who can access all content. See our privacy guide for more information.
Using our class management tools, you can group and monitor students, and leave private feedback on all student work using the MasterStudy LMS free plugin.
Besides the fact there are no ads for even the free account.
We’ve added a ton of features, themes, and plugins that are geared just for education. Plus, we have a large community of educators and students that you won’t find anywhere else.
Our One World Campus networks can submit themes to be added. We do a complete and thorough code review to keep everything safe and reliable.
For sure, we make it easy to bring over your existing blog from most major services and you can also export your content to take with you at any time.
Over 202k Email Subscribers! Get tips and resources emailed to you weekly.
Plus a round-up of the best blog posts written by fellow educators.

Does your school deserve a better website?
We can help! Affordable, accessible, and easy-to-update websites for your school or district.